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Arcade Archives Mutant Night

Price HK$62.00
Release Date 20/2/2017
Genre Sports
Players 1-2
Publisher IREM

Arcade Archives Series Produced by HAMSTER Co.

"Mutant Night" is an action game released by UPL in 1987.
Players will control a mysterious character named "Mutron-kun" who will power up using various methods such as becoming a giant or creating body-doubles in order to defeat the enemies.
This title is one of the remarkable works among the UPL titles that contains a wondrous world view and characters which are also its most prominent features.

The 'Arcade Archives' series has faithfully reproduced the masterpieces of classic arcade games on the PS4® system while taking advantage of the additional features the PS4® system offers.
Players can share play screens and video with the SHARE feature, and can also compete with other players online to improve your standing on the online score ranking leaderboard.
Please enjoy the masterpiece that built a generation for video games.

Arcade Archives Official Website is here.